Offering a wide selection of authentic luxury bags from top designers and brands. Our curated collection includes sought-after pieces that cater to the preferences of sophisticated fashion enthusiasts.
Your peace of mind is just a click away- Verify your bag/sneaker with us today!
We use a combination of advanced technology and meticulous attention to detail to carefully examine every aspect of your bag/sneakers and determine its authenticity. Our goal is to provide you with peace of mind and confidence in your purchase, as well as help you avoid the disappointment and financial loss that can come with buying a counterfeit or replica item. Trust us to authenticate your high-end designer bags and sneakers with accuracy and integrity.
Ready to declutter your life and make some extra cash? Consign with us because we know resale like the back of our handbag.
We ensure that each bag is authenticated, priced appropriately and marketed to reach potential buyers. You can trust us to handle the entire process from start to finish with care and professionalism. We aim to make the consignment process stress-free and efficient for our clients. So whether you're looking to declutter your collection or earn some extra cash, we're here to help. Let us help you give your designer bags a second life!
Whether you're a collector or simply looking to add a touch of luxury to your wardrobe, we have something for everyone. Our live auction is sure to be a fun and unique experience. It's a great opportunity to get your hands on some designer bags at a fraction of the price. So don't miss out and shop with us today! Experience the ultimate in luxury and style!